How to create a revision timetable

Planning is an important step in the revision process. It doesn't need to be fancy, in fact, the simpler the better.

Step 1:

Find out the dates and times of each exam you will be taking.

Step 2:

Find the exam specifications for each subject so you know exactly which topics you will be tested on.

Step 3:

For each subject write down the list of topics you will be tested on.

Step 4:

Decide which days and times you have available for revision. This might be different each week. Remember to incorporate any holidays or pre-booked appointments where you know you won't be able to do revision.

Step 5:

Now fill in the available times with the topics you need to revise for each subject. Remember to include plenty of time to practice exam questions for each topic.

Step 6:

Use your lovely new revision timetable to help you keep up to date with all your revision so you are well prepared for your exams!


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